I am a Qualified teacher B.Ed and Reiki Master teacher
I have been teaching now for nearly ten years and in that time I’ve seen the effect trauma has had on our youth and my teaching career has allowed me to explore this path for the last few years as a Nurture Teacher in a school for children who have severe learning difficulties. It has been an incredible journey getting to work with children who are living in or who have lived through trauma, it has taught me a lot!
I personally have been on a spiritual path for quite a few years myself which has enabled me to work on my own healing and when I discovered Havening it just blew my mind. I immediately wanted to know more and simply couldn’t get enough. People need healing now more than ever as our old wounds are being triggered through this global pandemic and I believe that Havening is the way most powerful yet gentle way forward.
I believe in a holistic approach to healing through body, mind and soul with a person centred approach. I also teach Reiki and I’m passionate about supporting clients in the best way for them bringing into my practice all my healing tools. I believe I’m a very empathetic person who has always been interested in helping people and now with my Havening qualification I feel that moving forward in this area is the most exciting career move towards my authentic self. I’m very excited to see where my Havening journey will take both myself and my future clients!