At the Center for Havening Research and Training, Inc. our mission is to promote emotional healing and improve mental health and well-being worldwide. Founded as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) by Dr. Ron Ruden in 2009, Havening is a transformative approach that has evolved from the pioneering work of Dr. Ron and Steven Ruden. Their groundbreaking contributions have laid the foundation for our commitment to share Havening techniques for the betterment of humankind.

As we honor their legacy, we also celebrate the collaborative spirit that drives our organization forward. A key figure in this journey is Feliciana Tello, our Chief Operating Officer, whose passion for emotional healing and community-building has been instrumental in shaping our vision and expanding our reach. Below, she shares her personal story and the transformative encounter that led her to embrace Havening.



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Feliciana Tello
COO of Havening HQ
since April 2012

Feliciana Tello brings over 15 years of experience in the financial sector, excelling as a commercial banker and compliance manager at Wells Fargo Bank, where her dedication to client success earned her recognition in the top 10% of the prestigious Golden Coach Awards. She further established her reputation at New York Life, consistently ranking among the top performers, and later at JP Morgan Chase as a financial specialist, guiding clients through complex financial landscapes.

In 2011, Feliciana transitioned from finance to the burgeoning field of Havening, inspired by Dr. Ron Ruden’s profound insights. Dr. Ruden’s journey began with his quest to understand the connection between the brain and addiction, leading to his groundbreaking book, "The Craving Brain." This work laid the foundation for a deeper understanding of how emotional and physical disturbances intertwine with trauma and memory. Following the publication of this book, Dr. Ruden met Paul McKenna, who introduced him to Tapping, prompting him to investigate the neuroscience behind removing trauma from the amygdala. This exploration culminated in his subsequent book, "When the Past is Always Present," which marked the inception of Havening.

Dr. Steven Ruden, Ron’s identical twin brother, played a crucial role in refining the Havening Techniques over the years. Together, they worked closely for over a decade, imparting a philosophy of love and compassion that became a guiding principle for Feliciana as she integrated the business structure of Havening. Her persistent advocacy for sharing Havening with the world has been vital in bringing the techniques to a broader audience, ensuring they can help as many people as possible.

Initially skeptical, equating Havening to hypnosis, Feliciana hesitated to embrace the technique for several months. This skepticism stemmed from her personal experience with trauma; in 2008, she lost her job during the financial crash, leaving her devastated and struggling with the physical repercussions of this emotional turmoil. The trauma manifested physically—her nails were damaged and broken, often bleeding, and the corners of her mouth were cracked open, making it difficult for her to smile or eat. As an Italian who cherishes the joy of sharing food and laughter, this was profoundly frustrating and isolating for her.

However, when she began collaborating with Ron and Steven, and eventually tried the Havening Techniques herself, she experienced a transformative realization: the trauma was the root cause of her physical ailments. After applying the Havening Techniques, not only did her nails begin to heal, but the corners of her mouth also healed, allowing her to smile again and enjoy food, which had been denied to her for so long. This powerful experience not only alleviated her physical symptoms but also reinforced her belief in the efficacy of Havening and its potential to help others.

As she collaborated closely with Ron and Steven, Feliciana helped build the Havening website and established the business framework that supports its growth and dissemination. Her operational leadership has been pivotal in shaping Havening into a thriving platform. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she created an online platform that connected individuals worldwide during a time of isolation and trauma, allowing Havening to reach those in need and reinforcing the company’s mission: “To share and educate on Havening Techniques for the betterment of humanity.”

Driven by Dr. Ruden’s philosophy of doing everything with love, Feliciana has fostered a supportive and inclusive community around Havening. She has hosted numerous events worldwide, both online and in person, creating spaces for learning and connection. Her dedication to building an online community is exemplified by the Facebook group she initiated, where individuals come together to share experiences and support one another on their journeys with Havening.

Feliciana authored the corporate handbook to streamline policies and procedures while also spearheading a diversity workshop that reflects Havening’s commitment to inclusivity. Her meticulous approach to compliance ensures that Havening maintains the highest standards of governance and professionalism.

In her role as COO, Feliciana invites everyone to join in this collective mission. "Every visitor to our website is part of this movement," she emphasizes. "Together, we are helping to change the world." Havening's growth is not just a testament to the foundational work of Dr. Ron and Dr. Steven Ruden; it is also fueled by the love and support of the incredible individuals we've met along the way. Each story, connection, and shared experience strengthens our community and perpetuates the vision of healing that began with the doctors.

Through the experiences of those who have embraced Havening Techniques, we see the profound impact of emotional healing and the importance of community support in overcoming trauma. As we move forward, we remain committed to expanding the reach of Havening, ensuring that everyone has access to the tools they need for emotional well-being.

With the love and support of our growing community, we honor the legacy of our founders while creating a brighter future for all those seeking healing and connection through Havening.