The last 5 years with Havening have changed my life. I am very honored to have been selected as co-Trainer of Trainers for Havening worldwide in 2024. This is how it all began …
I first learned about Havening when Dr. Ron Ruden asked me to be a demo for his first Havening training in NYC in 2013. He knew I had escaped from Tower I on 9/11 (while I was pregnant) and thought Havening me would be a compelling demonstration of the power of Havening. I had never heard of Havening before, but I found myself in front of a room full of trainees telling my story. As I began to relay my experience, I was flooded with emotions I didn't even realize still existed! But, at the end of the short Havening session, my 9/11 experience felt very far away. I was shocked, surprised, and euphoric - I couldn't believe how much lighter I felt from under an hour of Havening! Needless to say, I was more than intrigued by how quickly and profoundly the Havening Techniques changed how I viewed my 9/11 experience.
I ended my 20+ year career as a lawyer in NYC (including 15 years in-house at the New York Stock Exchange and FINRA) and began to study the Havening Techniques in 2018. Soon thereafter, I founded my clinical practice, Metamorphosis Havening LLC. In the last few years, I have immersed myself in additional trauma-focused education, including obtaining my Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies through the Trauma Research Foundation (Dr. Bessel van der Kolk), completing Level 2 training in Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies, and studying the Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma (NICABM). In recognition of this trauma-informed education, I have been certified as a Certified Trauma Professional by Evergreen Certifications.
I am a lifelong learner, and in addition to my practice and my trainings, I am currently training to become a Certified Whole Life Doula with the School of Unusual Life Learning (SoULL), a program accredited by the US Association of Body Psychotherapy. I also anticipate becoming a Realization Process Therapist in 2025.
In my practice, I use all these skills with clients suffering from myriad struggles including worrying, everyday stress, test anxiety, violent and sexual assaults, death of loved ones, suicides, abandonment and insecurity issues, relationship struggles, fears, physical discomfort due to stress, body image issues, career frustration, and more. It is my fervent goal to create a sacred healing space with each client so they can feel safe and supported. It gives my life tremendous purpose and meaning to be able to help my clients on their individual journeys to let go of their suffering, get unstuck, move forward, and lead more positive and resilient lives.
Get to know me a little better by watching this 4-minute introduction video:
I'd love to connect with you if you'd like to learn more.
Elena Kindler
Certified Trauma Professional
Licensed Bodywork Therapist
Fully Certified Realization Process Teacher
Realization Process Trauma Repair Therapist
Certified Havening Techniques Practitioner, Trainer, and co-Trainer of Trainers Worldwide
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