Kimm Sun

Certified Practitioner since July 2017
Certified Trainer

212 203 7782
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Kimm Sun is a Certified Nurse Midwife and a Certified Havening Trainer. As an advanced practitioner, she developed Perinatal Havening to address the mental wellness needs in pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Kimm created a practice that incorporated mental wellness as an essential and impactful part of midwifery care.

Kimm has trained midwives, nurses, birth workers, doulas, doctors, and birth partners, and provides advanced Havening training to other practitioners.

She is a regular presenter at the annual Havening Conference, midwifery conferences, and the UN’s Commission for the Status of Women. She is also a guest lecturer for midwifery students at Yale and Columbia School of Nursing.

She has worked with midwives in Haiti, Nepal, and Vietnam, as well as social workers and nuns in South America caring for human trafficking survivors.

She is co-authoring a Ph.D study of the impact of Havening on pregnant Black women.

Visit her website at:

Areas of specialization

Anxiety, Fear of flying, Panic attacks, Phobias, Childbirth, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Exam nerves, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Obsessions and compulsions, Pain management, Post-traumatic stress disorder, Public speaking, Relationship issues, Relaxation, Sexual issues, Insomnia, Stress, Grief, Interview Nerves, medically diagnosed illnesses and disease, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Shyness, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment
