Yoko Yuile Shinoda

Certified Practitioner since July 2024

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Yoko Yuile Shinoda
Certified NLP trainer, The Passion Test for Business Consultant Social Panorama Advanced Consultant, Interpreter/Translator & Author, WorldShift Communicator

She inspires people to live their best to serve for humanity with joy through heart-to-heart communication; teaching, coaching, mentoring, facilitating, translating and writing. She believes that everyone can shine their light. And you just need to find out how. With that belief, love, intuition and techniques like NLP & Social Panorama & the Passion Test as well as Havening Techinique, she guides people to transform. Also, she’s been following her callings to engage in some social causes; supporting schools; helping victims of Tsunami and natural disasters; promoting the concepts such as WorldShift, Economics of Happiness and PERMA 25 Japan of positive psychology

She appreciates the opportunities to work with the internationally known speakers and teachers as well; Dalai Lama, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Martin Seligman, Dr. Tal Ben Shahar, Dr. John Demartini, Lynn Twist, Dr. John Gray, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Judith Delozier, Janet & Chris Attwood, Tony Robbins, Dr. Richard Bolstad & many more.

21 books of own writing and translation are listed in Japanese Amazon.

Author Creating the Best You through NLP; How to raise a happy daughter Easy English Learning, The Miracle of Suirin: Translation: Psychic Pathway Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents Passion Test How to make a hell of profit and still go to heaven, Moon Magic, You can have what you want, NLP Workbook, Rapport Based Family etc.

Co-authored an English book The Miracle of Suirin

通訳実績:世界的に著名な変革リーダー達(ダライ・ラマ法王、ブルース・リプトン博士、リン・ツイスト、ジョン・ディマティーニ博士、ジャネット・ブレイ・アトウッド、マーティン・セリグマン博士、タル・ベン・シャハー博士、ジョン・グレイ博士、トニー・ネイダー博士、リチャード・バンドラー、トニー・ロビンス他多数) 書籍翻訳:訳書『NLP子育てコーチング』『心に響くことだけをやりなさい』『NLP実践マニュアル』『お金に愛される人のルール』『スピリチュアル・ティーチング』他多数。
著書:『The Miracle of Suirin』『水輪のキセキ』『ベストな自分を創り出すNLP心理学』『もっとやさしく英会話』『娘を幸せにするブックガイド』

Areas of specialization

Depression, Low self-confidence, Low self-esteem, Relationship issues, Relaxation, Sexual issues, Stress, Self-Belief, Self-Development, Belief Creation, Confidence, Empowerment


Tokyo Japan